The Challenge

The IT and computer science industries have been facing a long-standing challenge of undercooked and under-prepped candidates being hired right after graduation. Students often find it difficult to gain practical experience at engineering institutes and are more often pushed toward working for higher grades.

This leads to fresh graduates not having the necessary skills to flourish in a highly competitive environment. There is massive scope as well as a necessity for the greater overall development of students’ relevant skills, helping them get a headstart.

The Aykan Methodology

Understanding Industry Scope

An in-depth audit and survey were conducted to understand the extent and scope of possibilities to fill the industry vacuum of competitive training for undergraduate students.

Extensive Research

The Aykan team conducted exhaustive research about other similar ventures that were in play across the nation and the globe and weighed the pros and cons of each.

Building a Platform

After completing due diligence, Aykan’s experienced teams of software developers, in tandem with web designers, came up with a simple and practical learning platform that was primed to cater to students’ hunger to learn as well as fulfill the industry’s demands.

Training and Troubleshooting

Upon complete implementation, the client team underwent extensive training and workshop by our team of technical experts to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Overview of SkillHouse

An online teaching and learning marketplace platform, SkillHouse allows anyone with sufficient expertise (thoroughly vetted by the SkillHouse admin) in a specific technology to build and publish training courses. Students can then book the courses of their interest and access the practical, collaborative online sessions.

Salient Features of SkillHouse

Here are some of the key features of SkillHouse.

SkillHouse allows trainers to create courses/Houses by filling up predefined details, offer discounts to students, create multiple slots to conduct training, and conduct other forms of classes such as demos, workshops, and talks.

The list of all Houses is available on the SkillHouse platform, where students have the ability to search for the ideal courses based on their specific learning inclinations or even search for specific trainers.
A detailed view of the Houses is available, which includes syllabus structure, previous students’ achievements, and trainer bio and accomplishments.

All course training are live, online, and interactive, conducted in pre-defined channels on Microsoft Teams. The trainer has the ability to start, end, and record sessions (which are available to all participants of the House) and create assignments using the GitHub integration.

A prerequisite of any marketplace is the ability to compare the products based on reviews from previous users. SkillHouse is no different: it has the option to provide feedback on each House, but only for students specific to that House. The trainer profile comprises consolidated reviews and ratings from all the different trainings and Houses they might have conducted.

Integrated Modules of SkillHouse

All parties (students and trainers) and the admin can interact within the SkillHouse application via an integrated, button-based email service.

SkillHouse has an integrated payment system in place. For students, a range of payment options such as UPI, credit cards, etc. are available, as well as the failsafe of auto-refund in case of a failed booking. For trainers, settlements are handed out partially with the help of a payment aggregator according to the training progression.

This portal is a single, multi-purpose window for the admin to perform their daily activities including a list of Houses pending approval, review details, options to acquire and create trainer settlement account arrangements via payment aggregator, and track all progression details at once.

The SkillHouse application is accessible from all mobile devices with ease. It’s available for download on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

This allows the admin to monitor the web traffic of the portal, understand investment options among different marketing channels, and get geographical data of user interests to boost sales in any specific region.

The blog integration features the benefits and experiences of SkillHouse training and discourses on specific industry-related topics and acts as a knowledge-sharing content platform for anyone interested.

The integrated SkillHouse forum allows users to collaborate on queries regarding subject matter, information about Houses, etc. The users can view, post, and answer all queries on the forum, allowing for the possibility of greater learning for students and trainers alike.

For organizations looking to recruit talent from SkillHouse, this portal provides credibility to every student’s skill set and allows the option to browse students using specific filters. It can also be used to schedule interviews, communicate with candidates via the integrated email service, and track their interview status.

The Conclusion

With the help of a streamlined process starting from conducting extensive research to immaculate execution, Aykan Technologies has been able to develop the inclusive learning platform, SkillHouse.

A number of nifty integrations have been hugely beneficial for students and trainers on their way toward achieving the goal of safeguarding the future of the IT and programming industry.